Lorcan Devine - Father of the Old Red Family

2005 - 2009

Created by Nathaniel Kavanagh 14 years ago
So many stories, where can one begin. The overall story of how one day Lorcan could be grumpy, and the next he'd be sitting outside with you, one on one, talking you through some major issues you were having and really helping out. The Old Red really are one big family, and he was the father. I'm remembering my nick-name of Bog Brush, due to a night of drunken reporting to Lorcan on the state of the gents loos. I never lived that down. I think he conected that name to my messy hair too. Another funny story is the time i was reading on a bus, when suddenly someone was mocking me and throwing stuff at my head from the back of the top deck. Rude boys i hear you say? No. Lorcan Patrick Devine. He could be grumpy, he could be serious, and he could be hilariously funny. He was like a second father to a lot of people at the Old Red Lion, and a good friend to most. He will be deeply missed.